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27 02, 2021

Behind America Stands Every Great American Woman

2021-03-14T00:22:37+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, 320 Guest Ranch History, Caroline McGill, Homesteading, McGills Restaurant & Saloon, Montana, Pioneers|

Welcome to March 2021, dear readers – a.k.a. Women’s History Month!  Interestingly enough, this month-long tribute actually began in 1978 as Women’s History Week. More than a decade following this establishment of that week-long period of recognition, President Carter bowed to active petitioning from the NWHA (The National Women’s History Alliance). He promptly designated March of every year from then on to be federally recognized as Women’s History Month.  With that said, you now have the very short and sweet on why and by whom March became a time for commemorating the gals who helped mold this great nation.  However, long before [...]

13 02, 2021

Ranches & Romances

2021-02-13T21:22:19+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, McGills Restaurant & Saloon, Ranch Weddings, Winter Season Activities|

‘Tis the season to feel love.  Or, at the very least, it’s the month we all associate with feeling a bit of a bite from the love bug.  Ever wonder whyFebruary became the month of love and Valentines and all that sort of gushy goodness?  Well, we wondered, and here’s the short and chocolate-y sweet on what we discovered…the romantic holiday actually began in Rome as a feast celebrating Saint Valentine. He was celebrated for the actions he took in opposition to a decree set forth by the Roman Emperor of the time. The decree outlawed marriage which St. Valentine viewed as [...]

22 01, 2021

320’s Inside Scoop on How To Keep Warm for Winter Fly-Fishing

2021-02-05T17:20:48+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, fly fishing, McGills Restaurant & Saloon|

If you’re a die-hard fly-fisherman/woman who wishes the weather in Big Sky could be a bit warmer this time of year, you’re not alone.  Boy, do we feel the same way here at 320 Ranch. And so, we got to thinking about the best ways we know of to keep warm while fishing even during the coldest of Montana winters. First and foremost, when doing anything outdoors during the winter, you have to consider your core.  It’s disputably the most important part of your body to keep warm given that it houses all of your vital organs.  So, do yourself a [...]

8 01, 2021

Three Reasons for Visiting 320 Ranch in the New Year

2021-01-08T16:12:44+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, 320 Guest Ranch History, 320 lodging, 320 Ranch Sleigh Rides, McGills Restaurant & Saloon, Montana homesteading|

Happy New Year everyone!  We really wanted to give you 320 reasons to visit 320 Guest Ranch this year.  However, we decided that could end up being problematic for everyone in terms of time consumption.  So, being that three’s a lucky number, we picked out these three reasons why we think 320 Ranch ought definitely be in your 2021 travel plans: An Escape to Simpler Times There are a few reasons why small towns cause big city visitors to feel as if, all of a sudden, life got a whole lot simpler.  This is especially the case in southwest Montana.  [...]

23 11, 2020

A Restaurant by Any Other Name Would Not Smell as Sweet

2020-11-23T21:15:43+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, 320 Guest Ranch History, Caroline McGill, McGills Restaurant & Saloon|

What makes 320 Guest Ranch something folks round here often call “uniquely Montana” is not just its setting.  It is also the food.  And, with the Thanksgiving holiday mere days away, visions of wholesome, delicious food are dancing in all of our heads.  Our restaurant, McGill’s Dining Room & Saloon, not only serves up such wholesome deliciousness, but also honors the namesake of a true pioneer woman.  That woman is Dr. Caroline McGill. And, not so long ago, we endeavored a rebranding of McGill’s Restaurant & Saloon so as to evoke in its name and atmosphere the important role Dr. McGill  [...]

9 11, 2020

The Serenity of Shoulder Season at 320 Guest Ranch

2020-11-09T04:46:17+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, Caroline McGill, Fall Season, McGills Restaurant & Saloon|

It’s the time of year when the sun seeks to slumber as soundly as the now hibernating bears.  Summer has gone.  The first real snowfalls have blanketed Lone Peak to the point that locals have begun referring to the mountain by her longtime winter nickname, “Lady in White”. It is a peaceful time of year. Quiet and serene.  This is Big Sky’s shoulder season – or, “off-season”. At 320 Guest Ranch, we welcome the shoulder season as a time to reboot, a time for rejuvenation and self-re-discovery.  And, after a year like 2020, we can’t think of anything more important than accomplishing those [...]

26 10, 2020

From Garden to Table: A Montana Gardener’s Ponderings on Pumpkin

2020-10-26T17:00:39+00:00320 Guest Ranch Blog, Fall Food, Fall Season, Gardening, McGills Restaurant & Saloon, Pumpkin|

Have you ever wandered the aisles of a grocery store mesmerized by the myriad of on-brand, off-brand, and every other kind of brand of canned foods? This time of year had us pontificating on pumpkin – canned pumpkin, that is.  How lucky we are to be able to take a can of already squished-up squash, and avoid the prep work involved in baking with fresh-from-the-garden pumpkins. However, such was not the case for our ancestral pioneering ranchers who originally settled our beloved Big Sky country. And, such is still not the case for avid Montana gardeners who maintain a pioneer-like practice of growing all [...]

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